Your Network for Digitalisation and Debureaucratisation
The AWV addresses current issues relating to economic efficiency in the administration.
Would you like things to be simpler? We cannot herald the end of bureaucracy. But we can help to simplify bureaucratic requirements, guidelines and processes in order to create space for the essential. So well and efficiently that productivity and competitiveness in business, public administration and the third sector are increased without restricting legal certainty.
The Working Group for Economic Administration (AWV) is the nationwide forum in which answers to current questions concerning the economic design of administrative processes are developed. We set the exchange between the sectors in motion, we coordinate and moderate it.
More than 1,200 managers and experts are involved in the AWV, and we always remain neutral. This makes us unique in Germany – and has been so since 1926.
The AWV is a non-profit association with many opportunities for participation. Our members include numerous large companies, SMEs, associations and authorities, but also start-ups and research institutions. We are being financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag.