AWV e.V. | since 1926
Your network for digitalisation and debureaucratisation

networking and simplifying
Neutral platform for the exchange between business, public administration and the third sector

practical and diverse

Standardised solutions for efficient implementations of administrative processes

honorary and cooperative

Strong network with the know-how of more than 1,200 experts

A brief introduction to AWV

Hands holding an AWV broschure about main targets and operating principles

Would you like things to be simpler?

We cannot herald the end of bureaucracy. But we can help to simplify bureaucratic requirements, guidelines and processes in order to create space for the essential. So well and efficiently that productivity and competitiveness in business, public administration and the third sector are increased without restricting legal certainty.


Further AWV Websites

Logo: FeRD Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland Logo: AWV Webarchivierung

AWV’s Collaboration Platform

Logo: AWV Forum